Greg Seles // copywriter
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Oh Henry! Level Up


Will smooth peanut butter make you run faster? Will crunchy pretzels make you stronger? Will peanuts, caramel, and a chocolatey coating increase your accuracy? They sure will… in a video game. Just ask NBA star Jamal Murray.

We created a fully digital launch campaign for the new Oh Henry! Level Up, which comes with a boost for NBA2K21 inside every wrapper.


We needed to hype these new ingredients, so naturally, we created a hype video.



On social, Jamal Murray joined Twitch and played against everyday gamers. Those who were dunked on by Jamal were rewarded with Level Up bars, so they can suck less.

After the livestream, we reached out to gamers who were dunked on by Jamal. We turned these posterized dunks into actual posters and offered them to players along with Level Up bars so they can level up their game.

Client: Oh Henry! Canada
Creative Directors: Jason Kerr, Marko Pandza
Art Director: Claire Barnette
Director: Davin Black
Production: Unreasonable, Tonic, Fyfe Shader